Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Refugee Center Shooting

A man walked into the refugee center in New York and opened fire killing several people before he turned the gun on himself. The analysis was that this was a crime against that system and the economic problems. This is completely false. Normal people do not do this. This had nothing to do with the economy or weapons; the man was mentally ill.

How do mentally ill people get their hands on weapons?

The analysis up to this point has been completely wrong. The shooter wrote a note explaining how he had been abused by cops. This was the crime of a mentally ill person.

Caller Tiffany didn’t have a solution to the problem of gun control because he would have lashed out in another way if he didn’t have a gun.

Caller Joyce problem with restricting the problem to those that are mentally ill is that there is no way to screen everyone.

Caller Todd thought that the craziest person out there is the person that blamed this on the gun. You can’t stop crazy people from getting them.

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