Thursday, April 2, 2009

DeChristopher the Winnie

University of Utah Economics student Tim DeChristopher bid on 13 drilling parcels near Arches and Cayonlands with no intention of paying the 1.8 million for them. He is most likely not going to spend ten years in jail and he is not going to pay 750,000 in fines. The bottom line is that he needs to realize this is serious. He told how he thought that Obama administration was going to bail him out. Not going to happen. This guy doesn’t get that we are in the middle of economic hardship. These people like DeChristopher want you to believe that they are going to put a derrick right under Rainbow Bridge. They are nuts, it doesn’t happen that way. Doug has an oil derrick across the street from his house and they are not raping and pillaging the land. We can do extract oil and be sensitive to the surrounding environment.

DeChristopher stepped up to take away jobs in these hard economic times so that he could have his ten minutes of glory in the name of the environment. He is not Rosa Parks, DeChristopher is just a weenie.

What sentence would you give Tim DeChristopher for his crime?

Caller Wendy felt that DeChristopher should work as an unpaid intern working to solve these problems in a productive way

Caller Spencer felt that DeChristopher was successful in the delay of further drilling. Doug felt there are rare times that civil disobedience. There is no way that he could be considered successful. This only proves how clueless DeChristopher is to the situation.

Caller Jeff felt that punishment for this should be given. This is not how business in Utah is done. Maybe those at the auction should have a say in the punishment as well or should receive restitution. DeChristopher stole the potential or delayed the potential revenue, he stole the time and efforts out into the auction and he is a criminal.

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