Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sedetary Hereditary

1 in 5 four year olds are obese. How is it that you get to that point? When you think about it our kids our kind of following in our footsteps or we are pushing our lifestyles on our kids. We all know that we sit around too much and should we be surprised if our kids do that as well? The American Way is simply to take a diet pill and that solves the problem. Should doctors develop these for children?

Caller Nancy agreed that lifestyle plays a large part of the problem. To add to that there is this toxic solution of diet pills that needs to be taken care of.

Caller Jenny pointed out that you have a lot of homes where both the parents come home from work and plop down on the couch and the kids only do likewise. You have to figure out how to be active even in the winter months.

Can we really demand our children to live lives that we are not willing to live ourselves?

Caller Julie thinks that everyone is talking about food when they should be concerned about lifestyle. Kids need sports to keep them active.

Caller Rob told that as a kid he rode the bus home and there was an obese girl that rode the bus as well. She was the subject of many jokes but every day without fail the girl’s mother would meet her as she exited the bus and would have a plate of cookies or brownies for her. Rob felt that we point our fingers at others too easily instead of looking at our own lifestyle.

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