Thursday, June 5, 2008

Gas Prices Went Down!

For the first time in recent memory, at least at one station lowered it's gas prices. Doug saw it on the way to work. A four cent decrease! Granted, the station across the street had increased their price. But we'll take what we can get.

Plus, do you carpool? Does anyone you know still carpool? Is this a thing of the past?

The 9 O'Clock Hour Rundown

The good news: Doug finally saw a gas station drop its price from $3.93 a gallon to $3.89. The bad news: a station down the street from that raised their prices from $3.89 to $3.93. Why is it that a gunshot in Lebanon can skyrocket gas prices overnight, but it takes months to fall again?

Doug talked about the staggering potential fuel savings if we were to drive the speed limit. Slowing down saved airlines millions, and only added a few minutes to each flight. How often people drive 80 on the freeway and have people passing them?

Doug used the "gasoline, soda and candy bar test," to compare how much buying power the minimum wage earner has. When Doug made $1.25 an hour at a farmer’s market he could buy 5 gallons of gas with an hour’s pay. Now, somebody would need a wage of $20 per hour to match that.

Morgan Bowen, a candidate for U.S. Congress talked about having the political will to pursue energy independence. He said he would take subsidies from oil companies and invest them in alternate energy development. The only national candidate to propose a Manhattan-like project, interestingly enough, is Barack Obama.

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