Tuesday, June 3, 2008

HIllary to Concede Tonight?

This morning on "The Today Show", Clinton Campaign head Terry McAuliffe said that if Obama gets the necessary delegate count today, Hillary Clinton will "call him the nominee." The Clinton campaign, almost instantly, denied Terry's statements. So, it appears, it ain't over yet. Or, Hillary just wants it to be a surprise when she drops out. Suddenly, with a whoosh, she'll just be gone.

The 11 O'Clock Hour Rundown

Doug paid tribute to the Clinton campaign with Clash’s “Should I stay or should I go?” The Associated Press reported she’ll concede the race tonight, but the campaign is vigorously denying it. Doug said if she doesn’t end it soon, it will really start looking pathetic.

He played a montage of Clinton’s “count every vote” rhetoric. Doug can’t believe anybody thinks Hillary is staying in to allow Americans to “have their voices heard.”

A caller points out that the Clintons aren’t used to losing, and they don’t know how to handle it now that Hillary has. As inappropriate as the comments Reverend Michael Pfleger’s made in United Trinity Church were, Doug thinks he’s right in that there’s a sense of entitlement with the Clintons.

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