Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No Mail on Saturdays?

Every time gas prices go up a penny, it costs the USPS $8 million. For budget reasons, would you support ceasing mail delivery on Saturdays?

The 10 O'Clock Hour Rundown

With gas prices skyrocketing, should Saturday mail deliveries from the U.S. Postal Service be a thing of the past? Every time gas goes up 1 cent, it costs the Postal Service an extra 8 million dollars a year to deliver the mail. Doug remembered the days when mail was the preferred method of communicating. Now it’s 99 percent junk.

Can’t we live without that for 1 day a week? Doug thinks so. This is exactly what Doug means when he talks about throttling back. Caller after caller agreed. It’s time for Saturday mail delivery to go.

Steve, a post office employee called in to say cutting Saturday mail wouldn’t upset the people, it would just be like having a holiday every week for the USPS workers. The mail would back up and they would have to work overtime on Monday. Doug wondered if we couldn’t spread out the mail better, and aren’t the savings on gas worth a little overtime? Steve agreed.

Doug remembered the quote from Abraham Lincoln: “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.” Times are different, but the consequences to our country of we fail to act haven’t changed.

Doug said we haven’t been as innovative as we should have been. We’ve taken the past of least resistance. Times are changing, and Americans need to rise to the occasion. Doug wants his kids to inherit the same American dream he did. We can all cut back. None of the callers or e-mailers today said their lives would be unacceptably inconvenienced without Saturday mail. It’s time to adapt Lincoln’s vision to our time, and do away with Saturday mail.

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