Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Grassley calls for suicide

What do we do with people that are corporate pirates? What do we do with people that are evil? Some have suggested that they “fall on their own swords” and do away with themselves. At least three people have committed suicide from news of personal losses with Bernie Madoff’s 50 billion Ponzi scheme. Iowa Senator Charles Grassley suggested that the executives of the insurance giant AIG should accept responsibility for its collapse and kill themselves.

Did Senator Grassley’s comments go too far or is he expressing the sentiments of the American people?

Caller Chris didn’t feel that comment was right but would like to see those responsible for writing the contracts give an explanation. How could their bonuses be guaranteed even when they knew that the company was going bankrupt?

Caller Brian didn’t agree with suicide that was suggested by Senator Grassley. Brian as a business owner would never give a bonus when the company didn’t perform. Let them and General Motors go down the drain.

Caller McLain also didn’t agree with Senator Grassley’s comments but can understand his frustrations. We need to look down the street and others that are taking the government handouts need to take a bow. Some of these situations were made possible by the legislation. What some of those people in the committees should put a mirror in front of themselves and identify what they have done to facilitate these things. Some of this could be traced right back to congress.

Caller Barbara owned a small business for ten years and wouldn’t think of giving money away when things weren’t going well. She also asked: “what happened to honor?” Shouldn’t the captain go down with the ship?

The good news is that with these huge examples of fraud, there are still lots of people that want to do things the right way.

Caller Bruce owns his own company and when it started to tank in November he cut his own salary significantly. Bruce met with his bank and some other investors to make sure that things would work out in these tough times. There is a great feeling that comes with doing things the right way.

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