Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Let it go

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner faced grilling at hearing over AIG’s payouts. In an effort to cover the embarrassment the legislature passed a 90% tax, instead of just taking the money back. Do we really want to use the IRS as a club to beat someone over the head that we don’t like? There is no shame in giving a bonus to someone that deserves it provided the company is doing well. When we have a failing company that took irresponsible risks, droving their company onto the reef, there is no way that they would deserve bonuses. Some of the bonuses that were over a million dollars were retention bonuses; they weren’t even with the company anymore! Then we find out in the testimony today that if we sued to get the money back and lost, in accordance to the law in Connecticut, we would have to pay double what we sued for.

Here is the rub. Many of us are still dwelling on yesterday when there are bigger fish to fry. There was a trillion dollar proposal made to stimulate the economy yesterday but it was over looked. This is how messed up we are. 160 million is a drop in the bucket compared to the problems that we currently have.

Caller Forrest told Doug that he was missing the boat. He felt that the liberals were running the show these days and once the conservatives take over again is when things will turn around. Doug expressed his frustration in people that point out a boogie man and we need to act like Americans and not democrats vs. republicans.

We are suffocating ourselves with dogmatic views towards the other partisan. We are Americans and we need to get over this division. Wouldn’t you love to be called a peacemaker? This doesn’t happen only in times of wars but peace can be brought to the bargaining table.

Is there any bipartisanship anymore? Honestly, when are we going to listen to each other?

Caller Dean thought that Doug has done a great job this morning. Doug felt that sometimes we get caught up in what we perceive. There is something wrong with the absolute idea that when someone from outside reaches over the isle and is seen as a traitor but when someone from the other side of the isle they are seen as heroes. This is not right.

Caller Joe feels that Doug is a voice of reason that he can listen to. Finds its ironic that some of the challenges that have come upon the nation is because of the media. He doesn’t know what KSL is doing when they run Sean Hannity in the afternoons. Hannity advocates that anyone crossing the isle is a traitor.

Compromise is this nation is a glorious word.

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