Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stick a needle in my eye...

There have been an increasing amount of people that have been getting tattoos…on their eyes. This craze has stemmed from medical practice of corneal tattoos in order to treat corneal scarring. Even doctors are hesitant to perform such procedures but to do something like this solely for the purpose of body adornment is ludicrous.

What do you think about tattooing your eyes?

Caller Justin thought it is crazy. Maybe we need to come up with better contact lenses so that people don’t have to tattoo their eyes.

Some of these tattoos you can never cover up. Sometime in the future, maybe when they are in their 80’s, would want their

Caller Dave thought that the eye tattoo is a little scary and sick. Has two sons that have tattoos. Once of his sons had a Chinese character tattooed on him, and it turns out that they go the character wrong. The symbol actually means flatulence.

Caller Matt works in the tattoo removal business. There are a lot of clients that come in and tell him “what was I thinking?” They have brand new equipment that is actually able to remove colors. The sticker price to remove a smaller tattoo is about 700 dollars.

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