Thursday, April 16, 2009


I truly believe that I will be judged on how I judge others. And there will come a point where I will have to stand before my maker. I will say that I saw these people as my brothers and sisters. I will know that there is justice that must be met, but yet there is also mercy that should be given. The Utah Department of Public Safety Commissioner D. Lance Davenport recently spoke at a community center in a Hispanic community and said they are concerned with traffic safety and the community. The journalist who covered this thought that this promise only held true to the Hispanic population. The Utah Highway Patrol, according to Commissioner Davenport, would be in charge of renewed immigration efforts.

If we want the Utah Highway Patrol to be able to do this, then we have to give them additional funding. They were the first department to get the short end of the stick on the budget cut last October. The Department of Corrections received a 20precent budget cut. Chief Burbank thought it was absurd that we isolate a community so that they fear to call the police for fear that others in the community will get busted.

A caller whose parents are from Mexico told of how her father came here illegally. All the kids have graduated from college and her parents haven’t done anything wrong. Her dad tried to legalize the right way and immigration wouldn’t let him. Most people that are upset with immigration are racist.

Caller John takes real issue with the previous caller and the accusation that if you are concerned about immigrants that you are racist. He also agrees with Doug in that you can’t round everybody up and send them home. His thought is that action needs to be taken to stop illegal immigration and deal with those here.

Caller Tyler agreed that there needs to be addition funding given to local law enforcement agencies. Doug agreed that action needs to be taken but the army that we would need to enforce immigration is off the charts.


Unknown said...

I listened to Doug "misrepresent" the Arizona imigration law on Saturday and I was very disapointed. Doug's comments were based on emotion and misinformation and that was never more evident than in the interview Doug had with Mike Lee. Mike made it clear to Doug that the Arizona law is NOT unconstitutional but Doug didn't seem to like that answer - obviously hoping Mike would join him and the throng of ignorant emotional folks sweeping the country and condemn Arizona. Doug called Arizona's governor a "bobblehead" and all of this unfortuate and misinformed babble from Doug reminded me of Pres Obama and some of his "knee jerk" misinformed comments over the past year. Doug needs to calm down and read the Arizona bill before calling the Arizona governor a "bobblehead".

Unknown said...

Once again Doug is spouting all sorts of misinformation about the Arizona immigration law. Let me correct Doug once again.
1. Eric Holder hasn't even read the law by his own admission so siting him as a resource is silly. Holder was blasted by congress for being so uninformed.
2. The vast majority of Arizona and Utah residents support the Arizona law - Doug falsely makes it sound like the people don't want the law.
3. The law PROHIBITS profiling. Had Doug ever read the law he would know that (it's on the Fox News web site).
4. Instead of bashing Arizona for enforcing existing law to protect themselves against the illegal drugs and on slaught of illegals destroying their economy why doesn't Doug ever blast the real culprit here - THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION for not doing its job and solving illegal immigration? Go figure. Obama wants the hispanic votes and will pander to illegal hispanic's at the expense legal US residents in order to get the votes...he thinks!!
5. Mike Lee ( a constitutional attorney ) says the Arizona law IS CONSTITUTIONAL yet Doug never mentions Mike's comments that he made on Dougs own show 2 weeks ago. Go figure.

Please Doug, I know you are a liberal and liberals always talk before thinking but for once please READ THE LAW ... then talk.